All packages include: A private online proofing gallery for the purpose of choosing your selections. High resolution edited digital images. License to print and upload for non-commercial purposes. Step by step posing instruction through the session if needed.
Sitting for newborn + up to 5 people (optional)
1 studio setup for newborn
1 studio setup for family
15 Digital Images
Maximum allowance of 2 hours of studio time.
Sitting for newborn + parents (optional)
1 studio setup for newborn
1 studio setup for family
10 Digital Images
Maximum allowance of 1.5 hours of studio time.
Sitting for solo Newborn
1 studio setup for newborn
5 Digital Images
Maximum allowance of 1 hour of studio time.
Prices, sets and offers may change at any time without notice. All prices are total cost. A booking fee is required.
The studio is always a "closed set" and is never open to the public. To ensure a personalized experience, I operate by appointment only and do not accept walk-ins. All client communication takes place in writing. This allows me to maintain a transcript of each conversation for quick reference. I do not accept phone calls.
37 Perth Street, Brockville, Ontario K6V 5C3, Canada
Headshots & Commercial Photography Hours: Mon - Fri (9am - 6pm)
All Other Photography Hours: Daily (9am - 6pm)
Weekends & Holidays are typically reserved for weddings or limited time studio sets